For users already well versed in Linux just follow the simply set of commands found at DP_downloads For those like myself who are just learning. I will go into greater detail. So lets get started.
We begin by opening a shell terminal. The command below is used to download the main component for operating the fpga device, the DPserver. its function…:
In an attempt to stay organized I would like to download this .tgz into my Documents folder. This can be done like so:
cd /Documents
After connecting to the server and downloading the file I like to check to make sure it is there with the ls
Next we need to unpack the .tgz file with the tar command. … notes: explain -xzf shortly explain tar
tar —xzf dpserver-latest.tgz
When finished the dpserver folder is created. Enter it using the cd command
cd dpserver
We then use the make command to…
Then we start the installer
sudo make install
# connect Baseboard to your PC
sudo chmod 666 /dev/ttyUSB0
stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0 raw # no CR-to-CRLF translation
cat DPCore.fpga > /dev/ttyUSB0 # green LED turns on
# start dpserver and test Baseboard LEDs
dpserver /dev/ttyUSB0
/usr/local/bin/dpset bb4io leds 55